Is your health affecting your ability to find work?

Health Works for Cornwall is part-funded by the European Social Fund.

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Latest News // Angus has gained qualifications and has hopes for a brighter future
Category // Good News Stories

Angus has gained qualifications and has hopes for a brighter future

Angus, a young carer who was disengaged from education, with health conditions including ADHD, anxiety, depression, and insomnia has taken the first steps on his career journey.

With the support of Health Works for Cornwall he has achieved English and Maths Functional skills and a Level 3 Emergency First Aid qualification.

His Health Works Adviser supported him to find a suitable course, further training, set up an email address, write a CV, look for work and gain a provisional driving licence

Angus exits the programme with qualifications, more confidence and hopes for the future.

“This project is brilliant, and I would recommend it to anyone, it has been a blast and was really nice meeting new people and gaining new skills. It has helped with my social anxiety and anxiety around conversations, people and groups”

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Health Works for Cornwall is a partnership
of experienced local organisations, working
together to support you.